Climbing off the bed

May 15th, 2007 - As a new born baby, my parents would put me on the bed sometimes during the day. They would surround me with pillows to make sure I would not fall. Early on it was not a problem because I was not able to turn, but once I reached 5-6 months, I began to turn and it became more dangerous. They stopped putting me on the bed since they. Now that I am a little older, I have learnt to get off the bed myself and not hurt myself. Click on the video to watch me in action.

Get Up Stand Up

May 7th, 2007 - As I have crossed 14th months, it looks like I have started to observe things a lot and like to imitate things that others around me do. Some of things that I do are "Oh thats so cute" , but some of things that I do probably upset my parents like when I turn the TV on and off.

I have reduced putting things in my mouth but I want to reach out at everything. My parents have made sure that most of the things are beyong my reach, but I almost managed to out smart them one day. Unfortunately, it was caught on tape :-(

Back in Action

Its been a tough few days for me and my parents with the stomach flu of mine, but its all gone now. My stomach seems to be OK now but my parents want me to be on Pedialyte for another day before I return to drinking milk. Looks like I am making up for the 2-3 days of mischief today. Innocent

Imitating Others


May 3rd, 2007 - Seems like I have started imitating what my parents and other around me do. Its part of growing up. Some of the thing that I have started doing are

  • I try to eat from a bowl using a spoon.
  • I picked up a ear bud once and tried to put it in my ears but my mother stopped me right away.
  • I pick up keys and try to open the door.
  • Today  I tried to use the ear thermometer to check my temperature

Still no change in my stomach virus but I am OK otherwise.

Read more: Imitating Others

Still Down but not out


May 2nd, 2007 - Looks like there is no change in my condition. Its been 3 days now and its still the same. My mother is doing a good job keeping my hydrated and changing my diapers during the day.  My stomach pains once in a while and I  cry sometimes. I don't want to be left alone at any time. My mom says I have become a "Chipku". I feel so helpless that I cannot do anything and have to trouble her. Lets see what happens tomorrow.

Also, Uncle Amiya left yesterday so the house feels a little empty now.

Read more: Still Down but not out

Bitten by the Stomach Bug

 ImageMay 1st, 2007 - Its International Labour Day, but it not a holiday here, dad had to go to work. They say April Showers bring May Flowers, but it looks like May had brought me sickness. I seem to have caught a stomach virus which is really bad. Apparently the first attacke is very difficult for babies because our immune system cannot handle it.  

My parents took me to Dr Woo. He checked me out to make sure I have no other problem such as fever and I checked out OK there, thankfully. He said that there is nothing he can do to treat this and that it will work itself out over the next few days. Frown The main thing is apparently to keep my hydrated and also change my diet. He recommended that I drink plenty of water or Pedialyte. He also asked me to stop milk and have more starchy foods such as rice and potatoes. Lets hope I get well soon.  


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