

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: /home/videshco/public_html/nikhilkini/images/stories/2012/2012-01/lowes_valentine/


There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/stories//2012/2012-01/lowes_valentine/

Valentines Card Creator at Lowes Build and Grow


Feb 11, 2012 - Every year, Lowes does a special project during the weekend just before Valentine's Day and this was no different. Our project today was a "Valentine Card Creator". It was a fairly simple project where we built a box that can be closed or left partially open and become a board for creating Valentine's day card. I also loved this project because it had a lot of stickers and some Valentine's Day cards.  The ladies who run the event for us were very nice and gave us some candy and stickers.

We finished the project and I also purchased a Lowes Build and Grow young builder's tooklit which came with a small hammer, an apron and some goggles. Maybe I will post a picture of that soon. Besides that I had a normal weekend day. We did a little shopping and played at home.

Last few days before ....not Valentine's Day but the day after...
