The Find the Landmark Game


Jan 6, 2012 - Today I was a bit bored and so I decided to come up with a new game called "Find the Landmark". I think I was inspired by my most favorite show "The Amazing Race". Th game is quite simple really. You take two sheets of paper. On one paper, you need to write the name of a city and on the other paper you need to write the name of a famous landmark in that city. You create as many sets of these city and landmarks as you want. I created a few of them.

  1. Agra - Taj Mahal
  2. Dallas - Dallas Zoo
  3. Auckland - Sky Tower
  4. Hyderabad - Buddha Statue
  5. New York - Times Square
  6. Tokyo - Mishta Square (a friend told me about this but I am not sure)
Once you create these sets, you find spots in your house where you hide these papers along with a pencil. Have your friends and family search for these papers. Once they find it, they need to sign their name so we know who has found them.

My first players were my parents and they had a lot of fun playing this game. They were able to find the landmarks. I will play this again soon with new landmarks.

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