Its Santa Time


Dec 25th, 2009 - Every year, all the kids wait for Santa to come to their homes and give them gifts and I too was excited about today because I was hoping that Santa would come to my house and leave me some presents as well. You see, I have been "Nice" all year, well for the most part at least. I am a 3-year old boy and I would be lying if I said, I was not Naughty this year. I would say that I have been more Nice than Naughty so I should get the benefit of the doubt and if that does not work then my smile should make Santa come this way. I went to bed and left some chocolate for Santa under the Christmas tree.

I woke up all excited to see if Santa had brought me the presents and after brushing my teeth, we went down to see. Lo and Behold, Santa has left many gifts for me and I could not control my excitement and I tore through all the gifts in no time. Santa got me a Jeep, some games and some candy. He also got my mother an iPhone too (I had asked Santa to bring my mother a new iPhone and he listened to me).

I called Ayush Anna and he too got many gifts from Santa. Santa is so nice to bring me and all the kids toys every year. When I grow up, I will help Santa deliver the toys.

and in case you were wondering.......Santa did eat the chocolate as well. If he eats at everyone's house, no wonder he has such a big tummy!!


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