New Fisher Price High Chair

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Image July 16th, 2007 -  My parents got me a new high chair as a gift for turning 17. I had outgrown my baby booster seat and it was time to get a new high chair. After researching for a long time and going to different stores, they selected a Fisher Price adjustable high chair for me.  My father decided to assemble it on Sunday morning and I "volunteered" to help.  My father took all the pieces of out of the box and that was heaven for me. I was running around dragging the pieces across the room. My father began assembling the pieces and I became his able assistant.

It took my father about 45 minutes to assemble the chair and I sat in it. At first I did not like it and wanted to be taken out of it. I started playing with the toys that come with the chair and then the chair did not seem that bad.


Which screw do I turn?

These instructions are pretty easy

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