Wiping Plates


26th Oct, 2007 - I often immitate my parents. Here I am immitating my mother wiping the dishes. She does not run around like I do.

Solving Puzzles


Oct 22, 2007 - I love to solve these little puzzles that my father brings me. They are little puzzles where I need to match a block to a picture. Once I got the hang of it, I have become good at it. I have 3-4 of these.

KASC Diwali 2007 Function


Oct 20th, 2007 -  Today is the KASC's 2007 Diwali Function. Its a bit early this year. The function was in the afternoon, but my parents were preparing for it in the  morning. My mother had to cook some Upma for the function. We reached the Arcadia Community Center around 3 in the afternoon. The rest of the committee members were there. We setup the decorations and other things.

Around 4 PM, the guest started arriving and the festivities began.Rahul Uncle and Divya Aunty were the MC and we had some good entertainment.

There was some singing, a special Fancy dress contest, a raffle among other things. My father did not let me go into the main hall as I was screaming and running around and disturbing the function. I made a new friend, Brenna. She was chasing me around the hall and we had our own little good time. My parents swapped duties and played witn me in outside the hall. At around 7 PM we had dinner which I liked. I ate dalitoi and rice and enjoyed the Gulab Jamuns too. We finally left around 8:45 and reached home. I was really tired after 5 hours of masti...


Disneyland Trip Pictures


These are images from my 2nd trip to Disneyland. As you can see, most of my pictures are with me in the stroller. My parents had to restrict me to the stroller because if they let me out, I was all out of control.

Meeting Pluto the Dog


Oct 14th, 2007 - I spent most of the day roaming around the park and just as we were about to leave, I got to meet Pluto the Dog. He was sitting in front of the Fire Station. I waited in line and then took a picture with him. I was not the least bit afraid to meet him.  

A Day in the Life of - Me

Image  Oct 12th, 2007 -  Here is a typical day in my life. I usually wake up around 7 AM and have a glass of milk. After I see my dad off, I usually start having fun. I play with my toys for a while, I climb onto chairs and tables. I also like to take some cooking utensils from my mother and cook up a storm with it. You can see me mixing things (mostly cookie crumbs). In between all these stunts, I make some time to have a meal so that I can renew my energy. I take a nap for an hour in the afternoon and then its more of the same. My father gets back home around  6 in the evening. I play a little more, have dinner and finally go to be around 9:30.  Thats a typical day in my life.....

Read more: A Day in the Life of - Me

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