Celebrating the New Year with Phineas and Ferb

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Jan 1, 2012 - First, I would like to wish all my friends and family a wonderful 2012. Its always nice to start the year with something exciting and my parents had a wonderful surprise for me. They had booked tickets to the Phineas and Ferb Live tour which happened to be passing through Dallas this weekend. We woke up a bit late (partying and all that stuff you know), had a nice good breakfast and was ready for the show. My mother had my "Phineas and Ferb" t-shirt ready to go as well. We had to drive to the city of Garland where the show was going to be held. There must have been 1000-1500 people at the show today.  The show started on time and it had all the characters from the show including Phineas and Ferb (of course), Candace, Jeremy, Isabella, Stacy, Buford and Beljeet. Of course Perry and Dr Doofablahblah (I will call him Dr D) were there as well.

The show was for about 90 minutes and was broken into 2 acts. Its mostly a musical act and they play a lot of the popular Phineas and Ferb songs such as Backyard Beach, Robot Riot, Everything's better with Perry and many other songs. They also had a cool Bollywood song too (see the video below). If you like Phineas and Ferb and their songs then you will love this show. I had a great time and it was a great way to kick off the new year.

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